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Re: 91 V8Q - Soot in Tail Pipe


Good point.  Clarification - white smoke = oil

>From my experience tuning donorcycles and playing with jetting, the
conventional wisdom (or conventional misconception if I'm wrong) was
that mixturewise, a pure white ashy residue was too lean, and that a
tan/grey was optimal.  Any correction or elaboration is welcome...

gerard@dockside.co.za wrote:

> > black smoke / residue  = bad mixture (rich)
> Usually seen on my car after stop/start traffic.
> > white smoke / residue = burning oil
> Odd, when you run most cars hard or they just work well
> (ie. smooth consistent driving) they have a white/grey
> deposit in the exhaust. Some say that is an indication
> of a good burn. Confused I am. The deposit I speak of
> is not oil is it? I'm thinking you're referring to having
> white smoke and a deposit at the same time as an indication
> of oil burning, right? Does the normal white/grey indicate
> well burnt mixture?
> Saw my first real-life V8 yesterday in Cape Town. Only know
> of 2, one is for sale in the local Auto Trader, both are
> pearl colour. It looked alot different from the 200, it
> was big and wide and flat and not-at-all-interesting looking
> except for being different from what I know. Odd, thought
> I'd be impressed, but there was something too bland about
> it, perhaps just the colour and flatness. :) Love the sound
> of the motor though. :)
> G.
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