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FS. Winter 4xWheels 5 spoke Prime 16" $150

Hello Listers,

I am getting a new set of wheels BORBET TYPE E and need to get rid of the
Prime wheels I have now.  These are not the wheels you'd want for racing but
for Winter tires they'd be fine.  

4xWheels 5 spoke Prime 16" $150

I live in the San Francisco, work Sillicon Valley, so Bay Area's Listers are
encouraged to call/e-mail.   As soon as the new wheels are delivered
(5-6days) I will have the old ones boxed up and would like to have a Q buyer
available.  Otherwise, some proletariat is going to get a nice holiday

Email: sergei@rational.com
Phone: 408-863-4638 current work
            415-564-7271 home/office

Sergei Lubich
V8Q 90