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RE: 89 200tqw antenna
>>I have a non-Bose stereo in my 89 200tqw. My AM reception goes away whenit
rains or when
>>my car is washed. It seems to me that the prime suspectis the short little
roof-mounted whip
>>antenna, since it's about the onlything water could get to. The question
is this-- do I have a
>>faultyantenna, or just poor sealing at the roof/antenna base interface?
Hey Avant owners --
I've been through this -- Todd posted the amp bypass for the fuba. It's from
a Corrado list FAQ-- You can get the post and url from the archives at
If you think it's just a leak or something, that's probably not too hard to
fix. Just make sure you pull the antenna from the car (lay on your back in
the back, two screws to remove by the hinges, one screw under the ream dome
light, pop the cover down, the rest is easy) -- then you can crack it
open/seal it as needed. If it were me, if I was going to that trouble, I'd
just do the bypass -- I later tested my bypass reception with a brand new
fuba and didn't see _any_ difference.
In the Avants, the stock setup is the rear antenna only. Even though the car
has the antenna wire in the windshield, the windshield is lacking the
connector, so you can't hook it up if you want. Kind of cheap if you ask me,
but Audi must have had a reason. Right?...nevermind.
If you need a replacement, I see that
http://www.antennaworld.com/Prices/amfm.htm has them -- the fuba betaflex-D
is like $87. They also sell just the base if you need it.
Good luck.
Seattle WA
89 200tqw