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More on Interior Door Latch

Thanks to all the responses on my previous post...

I never did get to take the door panel off and check things out, because
the interior latch started working on its own again...  I put a little
WD40 on the latch mechanism and all was fine...

Then as it started to get cold again, I began to notice that when the
car is cold (< 20F) the latch would not work from the inside.  Warmer
than that everything is fine...

What I have been able to tell is that when cold, the interior latch is
moving something, but it seems without enough travel.  The pawl that
catches the "catch" is moving with the handle, just not quite enough to
release the catch in cold weather...

My question to folks here (before I pull the door panel in -4F temps) is
any BTDT before for these symptoms?  Is there a travel/slack adjustment
inside the door to "take up some more slack" on the cable?  Or is this a
sign of a severly stretched cable that is about to go and should be

Other suggestions?

