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HVAC fix-ums and Stabilant 22A rave

My CC went psycho on me, high heat and high fan all the time. Bad mojo.
Last thing I remember doing to it was feeling around on the evaporator
face.....and since the symptom pointed to a temp sensor gone south, (giving
the control head the idea that there is no heat left on the planet, and it
had better darn well try and heat things up!) I started there. 

Hello...TWO temp sensors here! Clean, Stabilant them, and WALLA! all's
right in the world.

But wait, there's more!

Inside the cabin, putting things back together after the nasty business of
break and enter, I pull off the control head cover. "Just To See", you
know...and then off comes the smoked cover, and finally pry out the
electronic faceplate, and unplug it's multi-plug. (15-25 connectors)

Stabilant away!

Now all the switches work easily, everytime. I can play up and down the
buttons like a piano.
Amazing stuff.
Get some.

Also treated was the rad fan connector, the blower fan connector, the
blower contol conector, and the O2 sensor connector, and the full throttle
switch connectors.

yada, yada, disclaimers, yada....

Steve Bigelow ICQ 22399818
Discreet Dungeons Ottawa Ontario
'84 5ks "Audrey", Zermatt silver, Husco armrest/cupholder, Bosch H4/H1
'82 Coupe (previous)