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Re: 4KCSQ: stalling at cruise speed

You are correct!!!
My distirbutor on my 5k used to do this occasionally....
It caused an intermitent miss at idle....
The thing that sucked was one of the wires got hung up inside there...
snapped it and tach dropped to zero.... nothing...
coasted under a street light and fixed it with some extra wire in the 
glove box....
I don't know though... When the fuel pump crapped out on my 5k the 
tach dropped to 0 immediately....
I thought the FP relay controlled spark as well as fuel...
not sure though...
checked fault codes after this???
don't shut off ignition switch and dump em....

Rich Andrews
> yeah, I had a similar problem once about 100 years ago... the tach
> dropping like a stone to 0 RPM was the best clue I had - the tach is
> driven by the ignition so that means no ign is the "cause" or at least a
> major "effect".  ie it's not just fuel loss if the tach crashes.  otoh,
> if the tach keeps representing the engine speed accurately, it's not the
> ign system.
> -- 
> Huw Powell
> http://www.thebook.com/human-speakers
> 82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT
> http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~human