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Re: update on 88 80 Q.clutch on floor!

In message <19981224032210.6727.qmail@hotmail.com> "Obin Olson" writes:

> What does this mean?  I tried pumping clutch to get more oil back in
> both cylinders, but nothing happened, all I could hear was a hissing
> sound coming from the slave cylinder bleed valve,AND the master
> cylinder, oil never came out, seems there is no suction in the system is
> that because the master cylinder is history?

You need something to stop air being sucked back into the slave.

Top pressure from a pressure bleeder is one way.  Another is a neat
little gadget that basically consists of a hard rubber tube with a
slit in the side at one end.  The third way is to have someone else
operate the clutch pedal, and manually close the bleed nipple before
every 'up' stroke.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)