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Re: "Peanut Plug" plug wires? Recommendations?

In a message dated 12/24/98 Dan Hamren <dan@magnitude-electronics.com> writes:

<< Mike-  why don't you give up on the platinum plugs.  From what I've heard
on the list the platinum plugs on a turbo engine burn up fast. >>

I have no intentions of giving up. The plugs I use are the ones I have seen
recommended in the past both here on the list and by Ned for high boost
applications. One more time: they ARE NOT the el-cheapo Bosch platinums which
have the bad rap (deservedly so). These are the dual platinum plug design
originaly developed for Porsche (AFAIK) which is the o.e. plug in the 20v Audi
turbo. (FD5POR)

<< I use the W7DTC tri-electrode Bosch plugs with standard Bosch wires. >>

When I changed from a nearly brand new set of W7DTC plugs to these on my car,
there was a noticable difference in the way the car ran. Better idle, smoother
transition into boost, just generally better and definately noticable.

<< Arcing wires? Hope you never have a fuel leak! >>

Arcing and crossfiring wires are pretty common really. Look at your engine
running in the dark and you're bound to see some stray arcs here and there.
Never could completely make it go away in my 911s despite the use of grounded
braid covered wires (o.e.). I would worry much more about the glowing turbo
and EM than I do plug wahrs when it comes to a fuel leak.

I do find it strange that no good recommendations for plug wires for these
plugs are forthcoming though. I would think there must be some BTDT here...

Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq