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Re: '86 CGT power mirrors

>   I've checked the archives on this but can't find an answer there.  The
> power mirrors on both sides of the car work, but only L/R, not U/D.  What I
> mean by that is when you move the joystick L/R the mirror moves L/R and when
> you move the joystick U/D, the mirror moves L/R.  Is this an electrical or
> mechanical problem?  Where should I start looking?

The switch (which is what is bad here) gets seriously gunked in it's
"below the open window" position."  I gave up on fixing them and put two
87 5k switches in the knee panel by the ign switch.  You might be able
to disassemble and clean it, but as I recall the switch isn't even made
to come out without surgery.  I think the later model ones are made a
bit better (85 up?) so it may be worth fixing.

In your case the contact for the solenoids (which are in each mirror) is
the one that is bad.  hey, you might be lucky and find that it is just
the wire or the connector... the solenoid in the mirror changes between
u/d and l/r btw.

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT