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Re: '86 CGT power mirrors

At 16:31 98-12-29 -0500, Englert, Rick wrote:

>  I've checked the archives on this but can't find an answer there.  The
>power mirrors on both sides of the car work, but only L/R, not U/D.  What I
>mean by that is when you move the joystick L/R the mirror moves L/R and when
>you move the joystick U/D, the mirror moves L/R.  Is this an electrical or
>mechanical problem?  Where should I start looking?

It can be either mechanical or electrical. The mirror is moved by a single
electrical motor and an electromagnetic clutch decides if it moves L/R or
U/D. Default movement is L/R, so in your case either the clutch doesn't get
any power or there's a mechanical failure (like stripped gears). I suggest
that you remove the mirror glass (sorry, don't know the procedure on CGT),
which will expose the mirror mechanism. Check if the clutch gets power when
you move the joystick U/D, if it does then look for mechanical damage, if
it doesn't then there's a problem in the wiring.

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)