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Re: Listers MIA!

> Anyway - I'd like to thank Scott Mockry and Orin Eman in particular
> for what they've done for me and helped me to do this year.  Other
> than what has come from them, I'm not aware of _ANY_ resource that
> properly explains how the MB engine is controlled.  After railing for
> _years_ about the paucity of Audi's own documentation and the utter
> lack of anything from Bentley, Haynes, etc., it was very refreshing
> to find a couple of guys who could take my ECU apart, disassemble the
> code, comment it apparently overnight and send it back as a Word
> document.  Some of the comments you just _have_ to read - "The engine
> isn't officially running yet" being a classic that sticks in my mind.

Thanks Phil!

	; The engine isn't officially running yet...
	; See if it is time to decide it is running.
	; If the hall sensor bit is 0 then we are happy and assume the
	; engine is running.  Otherwise, it gets 4 chances for the
	; hall sensor bit to be 0 or we set a hall sensor error bit.

Fortunately, the code was close to the MAC11 and RDH's disassembler
was easy to modify...  we use essentially the same set of comments
for MAC11/MAC12.

Except you missed out on the O2 sensor comments...
(I didn't take great care with layout here)

; Decide if the O2 sensor is dead...
; The voltage range seems to be 0.4 +/- 7.5%
; assuming the voltage reference is 2.5V and
; the voltage divider in the ECU gives 0.4V
; with the sensor disconnected.
; if ( (ManPresFlags.2 || !WOT ) &&
;       !CheckIdle() &&
;       O2Voltage in 26..2C )
;       {
;       if ( ++ScratchD8 >= 125 )       // 5s in 'disconnected' state
;               {
;               O2SensorFlags &= 0xAF;
;               // X has # of Timer25Hz calls since reset.
;               // 0x1D4C is 7500 which implies 5 minutes!
;               if ( X >= 0x1D4C && Engine is hot )
;                       {
;                       // He's dead, Jim
;                       Set O2SensorFlags.2
;                       goto clearScratchD8;
;                       }
;               }
;       }
; else
;       {
; ClearScratchD8: ScratchD8 = 0;
;       }

> Orin's WGFV diagnosis LED has been used on perhaps a dozen UK cars,

That was Scott's - I did the DC meter.
