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93-97 100q/A6q questions

Hi folks,
   It looks possible that I may be getting an Audi A6q to
replace/supplement my 89 200q. However, I have a few questions.
Historically, it seems that Audi auto-tranny's have a high failure rate.
Does anyone have any experience with this on the 100/A6q (mine is/will
be a 96).

   Since the car only has 36K and has been getting regular service (its
in the family), I'm not worried about history. But what I'm most
concerned about is the failure rate of its components...i.e. hydraulic
system, cooling system, etc. The Piece o crap Bose head unit failed
yesterday. :(

   Yes..I know..the A6 is a step down in performance..blah..blah..but a
huge step up from my other alternatives at the moment. The car feels
solid as a rock at 36K...but I know most Audis are hardly broken in
until 100K or so... but does that include the slushbox equipped cars?
Comments are much appreciated. 

For those curious...The A6q I'm talking about *IS* the car from the
Pikes Peak/Audi Fest trip. 
