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Re: wishbone pivot bushes

>I can see why you would want to do it on the metal sleeved ones -
>sleeve immobile in control arm, center tube torqued tight with wheels
>hanging, once on the ground the rubber in between has to twist and if
>the metal pieces don't move, rotate a bit, that rubber will always be
>holding that twist as you drive.

Agreed with that. If you look at the old worn bushings you won't
understand why. But if you look at the new ones you see that the
rubber is pre-tensioned if the bolts are not tightened with the
control arms in ride height.

As a consequence you should open and retorque the bolts after lowering
the car to prolong the life of the control arm bushings.

If you ever replaced the bushings with a bench vise like I did you
have enough time to think about that. It took me and my brother
something like 5 hours to cut the old ones out, find adequate adapters
for the bench vise (took long), thinking, cursing and shouting (also
took long), press the new ones in with a long pipe over _each_ end of
the bench vise handle. The handle had an odd zigzag look afterwards
but it worked.


_/_/_/_/_/ pepe@z.zgs.de \_\_\_\_\_