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carburetor-low audi content!

l've been tring to fix the carb on my parents  1800 vw . The 
problemm is that the second valve failes to open when u put ur foot 
down - due to the lack of any vacuum in the vacum tube operating 
the 2nd valve. I originally thought that the vaccum pipes were wired 
incorrectly , but as far as I can see it's how the diagram has it. The 
diagram says to conect it (the pipe operating the device operating 
the 2nd valve) to the the small chanel running from the barrel of the 
2nd valve. But surely presure isn't being generayed from this 
channel since the valve isn't open? Besides, this channel seems 
tiny to generate nearly enough pressure. I've also tried using a bike 
pump to free this chanel assuming that it's clogged up but still 
absolutely no pressure.
Any ideas if my wiring layout is incorre\ct? The cars done 140k and 
is running extremely well / smmooth. Do u know if it's a common 
problem and a new weber is needed? the car iss a '89 gl model.

ps . thanks to the replys for my post on  control arm bush 
replacement on my audi - greatly appreciated, btw, what does btdt 
pps. the reason i write to the list for advice is that it's the identical 
engine/carb used on many european audis. 



David Shiers 
West Midlands IRIS Initiative
work 01538 381022   
home 01538 399660
fax 01538 398638