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some issues with my UrQ--MC engine (long)

hey all, im waiting for a time to go up to 2bennett to have them take a 
look at this stuff, but while im waiting for them to hve a loaner car for 
me to use, i thought i would poll the list as to whats up.  i dont have 
the bently manuals yet for the 5k, so i cant do any real diagnostic 
stuff.  Plus, i cant quite pull the codes right now because 2b had to do 
a custom lead into the passenger compartment with 2 terminals.  They 
built some sort of tester with a light and a button  that i suppose 
simulated the placing of a fuse in the fuel pump relay.  Does anyone know 
what im talking about and if so, could you give me some idea on how to 
make one?

anyway, here are the issues:

1.  There are 2 rattling noises at idle:
     a.  This one is very loud and is a true rattle.  Sounds like a loose 
grinding/rattle                kind of noise...very noticable...very 
irritating.  there at idle, and dissappears for the most part about about 
1200-1500 RPM.
     b.  This one is much more faint and is more of a pinging kind of 
rattle.  It sounds like something is hitting either the front or rear 
cover of the timing belt.  Both of these rattles btw come from the same 
area..the timing belt.  It sounds almost like the timing belt itself is 
swining out sometimes and "ringing" some piece of metal under there....

2.  On the highway, most commonly after a good full throttle run, the 
passenger cabin smells like gasoline fumes.  Sometimes it happens while 
just cruising as well...but almost always soley on the freeway.  It is 
most definitely most strong and noticable after the full throttle runs 

3.  There is a cold starting problem.  I will start it, it will start, 
but even if i have the gas pedal depressed it will stumble and stall.  
the second attempt it will start, but will idle VERY low, ie 450-500 rpm 
for a couple minutes.  What i do is just give it enough gas to stay at 
about 2500rpm to get it to warm up.  An interesting thing is that while 
this whole thing is happening, at the same rpm (2500), the vacuum reading 
goes from about 10-12 psi vacuum to about 18-20 psi vacuum over a matter 
of about 1-2 minutes.  then after it gets up to the higher vacuum 
readings, it idles just fine and acts normal.  Although, there is a 
slight hesitation sometimes while it is still relatively cold, although i 
never give it full throttle or rev it above 4k until i have driven it for 
at least 5-10 minutes.

4.  At about 4000 rpm, the wastegate seems to resonate.  It shakes pretty 
violently, although not easy to see, if you put your hand on it, it is a 
very strong shake.  It makes a very loud noise, almost like the cap 
itself is loose, but i just went over that and tightened the nuts, but it 
still made the noise.  This is loud enough to be audible in the cabin 
even at 90mph.

5.  above 4k, and sometimes as low as 3k, there is a bad clanging noise 
which just today i isolated to the timing belt cover.  It sounds as 
though the belt is hitting one of the covers HARD, or something under 
there is.  It is very loud and sounds horrible.  Sort of a VERY amplified 
version of problem 1b.  It is not affected by throttle position or boost. 
 It is strictly dependant on engine speed.

6.  The power seems to be down a bit.  There also seems to be a slightly 
more noticable turbo lag as well.  The one time i remember where it 
performed as well as i hope it will was when i drove it very hard for 
about an hour.  Going up and down the freeway for half an hour at a time 
going from about 75mph-120mph, and staying at full throttle most of the 
time.  Then, when i got back into the city and drove it around, to say 
that the acceleration was amazing would be an understatement.  It was 
boosting the normal 12-13psi, but in first gear it would almost peel the 
skin back on my face and it would just stay about that fast through 
second and third.  It doesnt perform like that anymore, and i just have 
no idea what could be going on there.  Also, i dont know, maybe it has to 
do with the water temp?  The temp on my vdo guage never goes above 150F.  
Maybe something is not opening except when very warm, like it would have 
been after that very hard drive, where the turbo was glowing a VERY 
bright red, brighter than i had ever seen it before....

7.  The lifters are noisy.  I dont konw what would cause this, supposedly 
they are brand new.  I think that 2b used semi-synth oil, so when i do 
the oil change i will switch over to mobil 1 and see if that helps.

8.  The idle is acting funny, looks liek the ISV is upset.  It sometimes 
rises to about 2000 rpm, and sometimes as high as 3k, and every once in a 
while will bounce a bit.  Just checking if this sounds like typical isv 
temper tantrums.

9.  Im getting VERY poor gas mileage, on the order of 16-17mpg, even when 
driving relatively conservatively...that probably has to do with the rest 
of the problems....

10.  There is a slight ticking under load that is not a lifter noise, at 
least it doesnt seem like it.  It sounds almost like a leaking em, but 
that shouldnt be as 2b worked over the manifold just a month ago on this 
engine so it wouldnt leak... It dissapears when i lift the gas....most 
noticable in 5th gear, with part throttle below 3500rpm

well, thats it.  I tried to be very descriptive so that i dont have to 
answer too many more que4stions about this.  HOpefully i was descriptive 

thanks in advance all...


Michael Sheridan Williams
ICQ# 11740998
1983 UrQuattro 170,000 miles, MC'd, koni yellows, borla exhaust, A4 Sport 
Wheels w/ SP8000's
1985 4000 S Quattro 192,000+ miles, Koni Yellows/Coilover (2B), strut 
brace, Sport 8000 Tires, K&N
