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re: Steering Rack Rebuild

I haven't been watching this thread close enough so have a couple questions.
Where do you get the ZF rebuilt racks and for what cost?  The rebuilt I have
on my 5kcst is going after about 70k miles the original went 150k.  Where do
I find Scott Mockry's page?  The mechanic that replaced my rack, not an Audi
mechanic, said it was the most difficult rack he had ever replaced.


Previous message:

 The nice thing about a rebuilt rack is that ZF does a darn good job,
you get a lot of new pieces (instead of just rebuild bushings).  The kit
itself is getting more expensive, (close to $100 with boot, discounted), and
the time involved really doesn't pay well.  Hence, I have quit rebuilding
them, and already sold my audi seal tool, otherwise I would send it to

The nicest thing about a rebuilt rack is the time.  From drive to drive, I
have that project down to about 1/2 day.  Check out Scott Mockry's page for
more information on the rack project.

Scott J