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Re: My tool is bigger than yours
In message <Pine.HPX.4.05.9901061335110.1285-100000@bluejay.creighton.edu> h93young@creighton.edu writes:
>> Those are probably the three worst fasteners on the car. I use a Facom
>> 12mm/13mm short-handled box wrench (ring spanner) from above to shift
>> ...
> Somewhat off-topic here... How good are those Facom tools?
I find them excellent. I was surprised, when I saw the list recently
posted, how cheap they are in the USA.
I have a few dozen pieces now. They're noticeably heavily chromed,
which makes them feel smooth but doesn't seem to affect the function.
I made four especially good purchases:
S154 is a 15"-handled 1/2" ratchet handle. It's 72-click, but four
teeth engage each time, so it has the pawl strength of an 18-click
ratchet. For most purposes, it has replaced my breaker bar.
J.159 P is a swivel-head 3/8" ratchet. It's _really_ neat because you
can use it as a normal ratchet until the nut begins to spin easily,
then you fold the handle up until it's co-axial with the bolt and just
spin the handle between your palms like a boy scout lighting a fire.
Or, I suppose, a lifter grinding a valve in. But it's _very_ quick
on routine disassembly. Head's a bit wide for some things. Again
it's 72-click.
287B.8 is the _ultimate_ stud remover. It just drops over the stud
and locks when turned. Unlike the usual eccentric wheel design, it
grips the whole stud and applies zero offset force. If used carefully
with a T-bar, the only forces acting on the stud are pure rotation.
It makes removing exhaust manifold studs almost a pleasure. As soon
as I have any cash, I'm going to get the 6mm and 10mm sizes.
J.236 is a bit holder for triple-square bits, as met on driveshafts.
It's unusual because it's 3/8" drive and much smaller than the usual
1/2" drive versions. It's much easier to locate on the screw.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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