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RE: Cup Holder
> yes. driving in U.K./Euro vs. U.S: it's a narrow streets, fast
> drivers, pay attention thing VS a doublewide highway cheezeburger cell
> phone half-decaf-double-latte-with-2% read-the-wall-street-journal
> thing.
> you really don't want that Rover saloon barreling towards you on the
> 1.5-car-width, 8-foot-hedges country lane sipping earl grey as you spank
> mirrors...
... what's the matter with them Europeans ... are they wimps or something?
I remember the most white knucked rides of my life on the streets of Tokyo
and its environs ... double park on a street that isn't wide enough for
another car to pass ... passenger hops out of the car to hit on of the many
streetside vending machines to pick up a few cartons of iced coffee (or more
potent potables) which the driver drinks while smoking a cigarette.
Pedestrians, bikes with pots of soup suspended in the back, scooters, etc
darting in and out of traffic ...
Perhaps someone across the pond with a higher testosterone level should put
a cup holder in their car ... just for the hell of it!
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)