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Re: Steamboat winter driving school

Date:          Wed, 06 Jan 1999 20:50:45 -0500
From:          ANDREW FINNEY <afinney@bigplanet.com>
Reply-to:      afinney@bigplanet.com
To:            quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject:       Steamboat winter driving school

Is it too late to sign up for any of the steamboat quattro club winter
driving schools?

Andrew Finney
1983 UrQ.

 Andrew and others,
 I heard that there are only 3 spots left as of late Tuesday. Better hurry!
That is for the Jan 30 and 31st dates. Don't know about the NW q-club
group which runs Feb 12 and 13th.

Chad Clark '87 5k Tq
Colorado Springs, CO