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Re: Frustrating car to own/diagnose/fix (was Re:Looking for usefulimpact wrench on a budget...)
In message <mailstart.1/7/99.22364.27.> gerard@dockside.co.za writes:
> I tried to fit a socket over some of the nuts, but there is
> little clearance amongst parts down there. Engineers don't
> consider the people who will be fixing their designs. :)
Yup. That's the reason for the taped-up UJ and the assistant - one
of the things the assistant does is guide your socket on to the nuts
and verify that it's fully home.
> Another question: where is the vacuum pump on the MC engine?
> I believe it is below the exhaust manifold somewhere, makes
> alot of clicking and clacking if it is bust, right?
There isn't one. Any clicking and clacking below the manifold is
coming from the bottom of the manifold.
>> You'll then meet the second worst connector on the car -
>> the lower turbo water feed.
> Shite! Blast!
I've heard other words used. I now use a 3/8" 17mm Stahlwille Crowfoot
socket, and it takes me about a minute.
> What's the concensus on cutting into the crank to fit
> new oversized bearings? Just asking as a reference.
Rarely necessary, IMO. I have the Plastigage specifications somewhere ..
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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