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Idle problems much improved

Surging gone - dipping gone! Thanks to many suggestions from listers,
including James Marriott who gave me a great roadmap of throttle related
things to check. Adjusted big air bypass screw which helped a lot. Also,
followed lister's recommendations to do a thorough vacuum leak inspection.
Replaced the vac connector that Y's to connect ISV/Valve cover/Intake. 

Now, my only idle complaint is engine vibration, intermittent, when stopped at
a light, etc. Any suggestions on this one?

On another subject, once correcting idle prob, power door locks just stopped
functioning. Not slowly, partially or anything like that. Immediately stopped
functioning. At first I suspected the fuse, but power mirrors worked & they
share a fuse. So I did what anyone who religiously reads the postings on this
list would do. I opened the rubber sleeve in the door jam to find the
offending broken wire. Just snapped clean. Twisted in a new strand of wire &
like new. You_guys_are_great. Helped me solve my problem before it ever

Thanks again for all your support,
