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re: MIA
(Pete Gotseff) wrote:
>Lee Levitt repsonded to Dan H. with:
>> Hey, that's me! I'm still a happy Audi 200 owner...just swamped with work.
>> I started a new company mid last year and am pretty well swamped...so I've
>> taken to lurking a lot, and only chiming in when I can really add value
>> (which isn't that often, I'm afraid).
>I believe some people live polygamist lifestyles ... torn between
>multiple automotive tastes where not one car can satisfy ones
>needs and wants. Just ask Lee what other lists he belongs to
>much less manages... :-)
Um, yes. But the plot thickens...ask me if I own one! I run that list, but
I don't have the common decency to drive a representative sample...