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Re: 3Spoke Sport Steering Wheel....90Q?
I guess I would just contend that there are differing opinions out there as
to what the statistics tell us. Airbags do their piece at much less force
than the 70 - 0 mph scenario which you describe and can most certainly
cause loss of control, which is detrimental to handling to say the least.
Were the injuries of the individual you knew from the steering wheel? If
they were, the person either wasn't belted properly, had old equipment (I
believe safety equipment, i.e. webbing, has to be replaced fairly
frequently in racing and probably should be in passenger vehicles) or
wasn't utilizing it at all. Also, we all know the varying levels of safety
engineered into different vehicles independent of airbags.
I also wouldn't be surprised if many more of the general population didn't
wear safety belts due to the 'protection' provided by the airbags. I don't
think these people are 'safe' at all. I won't argue the fact that at very
severe levels, such as yours I would guess, that airbags certainly can
help. Doesn't mean you would have been worse off if properly belted.
Doesn't mean I should have dictated to me that I can't put a different
steering wheel in my car. Shoot, why not limit all cars to 65 hp and
govern top speed to 55 mph? While we're at it, let's mandate all cars have
big spring-steel and rubber bumpers, like those amusement park go-carts, so
we bounce off each other.
Sorry, I would rather put the wheel I like on my car than be told I have to
have an airbag. Besides, it is a trade-off, not a cure all - and that is
certainly true.
My 2 cents.
By the way, it is sad we both had to lose fine cars in the process. People
need to pay attention. Heck, the guy I hit had a revoked license and got a
DUI. Nice eh?
Scott Wood
1990 CQ
Charlotte, NC
> From: Art4@aol.com
> To: s1wood@ibm.net
> Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Re: 3Spoke Sport Steering Wheel....90Q?
> Date: Friday, January 08, 1999 12:07 AM
> You mention replacing the airbag steering wheel with a non air bagged
> To me this seems like a big no-no. I also had someone pull out in front
of my
> old 90cq and I do believe the airbag did help save me. Nothing like
coming to
> a stop from roughly 65-70 miles within a few feet. I would say the air
> removal( if for safety resons, should only be done for those of a more
> delicate frame). No offense meant to anyone. Oh also for those that
love to
> hug the wheel as they drive. In these two cases, I could understand
> for removal.
> Also you mention powder burns, this is much better than that of someone
who I
> knew who broke his sternum and ripped all his muscles away from his
> Imagine what pain you could be in, there is not much you don't do with
> effecting your chest muscles.
> Also about losing control. In my wreck upon hitting the elderado, I can
> honestly say even if I still had my hands on the wheel, I could not have
> controlled the immediately stopping car. It will go where the Laws and
> of Physics tell it to after a major collision.
> Just my two cents worth........