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Re: Lazy lifter
I just had the oil changed at my local Audi dealer and they used 10W-30.
They also put a 10W-30 recommendation on the sticker for the next oild change.
At 09:07 PM 1/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
>First off, I'm envious. I lived in Boulder for four years and I'm
>resolved to move back soon. As for the lifter, I have found that mine are
>very sensitive to oil viscosity. I don't want to re-start the oil thread,
>so I,ll just quote Audi's recommendation. Audi recommends 20W/50 all the
>way down to 10 degrees. I know for a fact that that covers pretty much
>all year in Boulder. I don,t know what weight you are using, but I have
>noticed a tedency for people to use thinner oils than 20W/50.
>On Fri, 8 Jan 1999 12:10:20 -0700 tturse@ps-b.com (Thomas Turse) writes:
>>Hey all! Thanks for the coolant resevior advice- I think I'm just
>>going to
>>order a new one from Carleson. Thought they were much more expensive-
>>worth the hassle.
>>Just wondering if anyone has had any good experiences with any
>>products that
>>can quiet a noisy lifter? My 85 4ksq used to rattle/knock when
>>starting in
>>the cold and then stop after a few seconds. Now it seems to be
>>more often and even after driving around for a while. I've checked
>>the oil
>>level and it's full and it's about half way till the next scheduled
>>Any suggestions would be very much appreciated as always. Getting
>>ready to
>>leave for Steamboat tonight- they just got a few feet of powder!
>>Thomas Turse
>>Boulder, CO
>>85 4ksq
>Adam Nelson '85 4000S, Blaupunkt cassette, Starbucks go cup, '69 Beetle,
>1 piece
>windows, hand held fan, '91 Vanagon, KYB Gas a Just, bug screens.
>Columbus, Ohio
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