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Re: 4kq hurt by Chebby truk!!
rjandrew@post.cis.smu.edu (R Justin Andrews) wrote:
> Does anyone have any performance alignment specs for a 4kq...
> Front is set to .08 degree tow...
> Rear is set to .18 degree toe.....
Yea. Tell the alignment shop to pull both front ball joints as far out
as they can and equalize the camber by moving the subframe. Set
everything else to factory spec, perhaps getting the rear neg. camber on
the low end (closer to zero) of the range to reduce understeering.
Sorry to hear about the encounter with the truck. As common sense
dictates, the bigger car gets the right of way ;( At least the
mechanicals can be fixed while the bodywork is much harder to fix
right. It could be hard to find a subframe in Dallas, but in Austin
VeeDub they should have it and it's just three hours away (unless you
really want them to ship it). Might as well take this chance and do all
the subframe and a-arm bushings. Did you get a license plate? Good
luck fixing it.
Luis Marques
'87 4kcsq