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Re: Speedo/Cruise/rev lim. Intermit.
Speedo intermittent? The root cause is the speedo not the cruise control.
The CC is faced with a GIGO situation. When the speedo is working, the CC
also works. Right?
I'm attaching a file with possibly relevant information on speedo repairs
to an '89 200tq. Some model year variations may be present but the basic
principles should work.
Good luck.
At 09:54 PM 1/12/99 EST, you wrote:
>92 S-4 speedo and cruise intermittent. Apparent seperate problem is
>temp guage failure. Would love some help troubleshooting. References to past
>fixes etc. Tsaltino suggested switch on clutch/brake cruise. Checks out
OK on
>visual inspection. Other ways to check switch? Any other ideas. Has anyone
>else here had this happen? Local mechanic said "Oh it's an Audi, you have to
>replace the whole dash. Thousands of $." I know that we devious thinkers can
>fix stuff. Anybody can replace everything. All suggestions welcome. Thanks
>Michael C.
Speedo Repair
'89 200TQ
Fluctuating or pulsating needle.
(Also inoperative cruise control.)
Cause of the problem: A poor connection between the speedo head itself and the PC board of the Instrument Cluster (IC).
Repair procedure:
Remove the IC from the car. (Additional info on IC R/R is available if this is not sufficient for you.)
Open the hinged back of the IC and remove it. Several Hex head screws are involved here.
Remove the PC board. There are several more screws and a few small bits and pieces involved. No big deal but keep track of where everything came from so you can put it back later. Note that there are four pins extending from the speedo head through the PC board which provide electrical connection between the head and board. (These are very similar to the jumper connections on many PC boards.) It is these connections which are the problem.
Remove the speedo head itself from the IC. Follow the four pins back to their connections with the small PC board of the speedo head itself. Desolder these four pins and then replace them with separately color coded wires which are part of a high quality four (or more?) pin connector. Several types are available. I used connectors from an RJ-11 phone extension cable. Other connectors will work nicely - perhaps better. extend the cable out so that it may be plugged into its mating half behind the IC after it is reassembled.
Solder the other half of the connector (matching the color coding of what you did inside the speedo head) to the PC traces where they connect to the original connectors of the PC board. Lead the cable to the outside of the IC again.
Note that some slight amount of cutting of the plastic IC case may be needed to permit easy extension of the connectors to the outside of the IC. Select your route carefully and this will be a minimum amount of trimming and will be a trivial job.
Reassemble the IC and plug the two halves of the connector together. Tape the dangling connector to the back of the IC to provide strain relief.
Reinstall the IC back into the car.
Light replacement:
Identify and locate exactly which lights need to be replaced.
Follow the removal and replacement procedures above.
While the back of the IC is open, twist out the old lights and insert and twist in replacement lights available from your dealer.
* Robert L. Myers rmyers@inetone.net Home 304-574-2372/1166 *
* Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP *
* '95 S6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen *