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Re: Water pump wear mystery ... solved

In a message dated 1/12/99 4:47:42 PM US Mountain Standard Time, quk@isham-
research.demon.co.uk writes:

>> This afternoon,  I stopped by the shop that works on my family's cars when
>> can't or don't want to and had them look at the wear pattern on my water
>> sprocket ... their conclusion?  For whatever reason, the belt wasn't
>> seated  on the pulley and instead of meshing with the teeth on the
>> it was riding on top of them.
>Probably because the teeth are the wrong size.  You have all the classic
>symptoms of a number-of-teeth mismatch.  All the belts are the same
>length - the ones with fewer teeth obviously have _LARGER_ teeth, and
>these ride up on the waterpump pulley.

Sorry, Phil, but you're wrong ... the original size and spacing of the teeth
on the water pump sprocket can be seen by looking at the unworn edge of the
sprocket and it clearly matches the timing belt.  In addition, I have verified
(by looking at the parts invoice as well as physical inspection of the parts
themselves) that everything I used -- cam sprocket, crank sprocket, idler
pulley, water pump and timing belt -- were indeed the correct early-style
parts and properly matched to each other.

I hate to admit it but the bottom-line is obviously that I screwed up when
installing everything and now have to do it over again prematurely as a
result.  Live and learn...  :^(