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Winter Driving School NE-USA

To:   (edit message for full list)
The January Winter Driving School for the Northeast Region Quattro Club is
      now filled thanks to a tremendous response.

There are still a very few openings for the February school on 2/27 and
      2/28 in Franconia, NH.

Confirmations for both schools were sent out yesterday complete with info
      on times and accomodations.

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

Please remember to reserve a room at the Red Coach Inn (1-800-262-2493 ask
      for Quattro Club rate) or in the area as soon as possilbe as this is
      busy season in ski country.

Drive Safely,

Paul Royal

NEQ-WDS Eventmaster (617)266-0001 x2337 days, but prefer evenings ONLY
      between 7PM and 10PM at 603-431-2239