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RE: The Best Fog Vision

>Tom Nas wrote:
>Besides- the point of fog lights is to act as supplementary illumination,
>not primary.
> If you use them for primary illumination, they're poser lights. They're
> also worse than DOT headlights.

I agree entirely Tom.  I don't run my fog lights in the absence of
headlights.  I know that seems to be a "hip and trendy" thing to do, but I
think it's just plain stupid.  Further, I'm aware that high beam
illumination in fog actually illuminates fog vapor immediately in front of
your vehicle, making your visibility worse, not better.

I will however say that on the winding, narrow, curb-less country roads I
often drive, fog lights can be extremely helpful in illuminating the
shoulder in corners - in conjunction with high beam illumination for
strait-aways.  Granted, you don't drive in a corner AND a strait at once,
but who wants to turn their high-beams off every time they come to a corner
so that their fog lights will come back on?  Afterall, Bosch (the OEM for
Audi fogs) labels their aftermarket wide-angle lights as "Fog/Cornering"

Dan Sinclair
'88 Audi 90 67K

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Nas [mailto:tnas@euronet.nl]
> Sent: Sunday, January 17, 1999 1:56 PM
> To: Dan Sinclair
> Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: RE: The Best Fog Vision
> "Dan Sinclair" <sinclair@prospro.com> wrote:
> >
> >My 1988 Audi 90 fog lights work independent of all light
> settings. I can run
> >the fogs with high or low beam, or just parking lights.  My parents own a
> >1989 Audi 80, and their fogs shut off if you switch to high
> beam.  I suspect
> >this was a revision in 1989 and later.  You might be able to just order a
> >1988 or early fog relay and get the same result as a jumper (albeit more
> >expensive I'm sure).
> >
> Who knows... but if they discover it during the annual test, your
> car's failed.
> Besides- the point of fog lights is to act as supplementary illumination,
> not primary.
> If you use them for primary illumination, they're poser lights. They're
> also worse than DOT headlights.
> YMMV etc...
> Tom