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RE: The Best Fog Vision

"Dan Sinclair" <sinclair@prospro.com> wrote:
>My 1988 Audi 90 fog lights work independent of all light settings. I can run
>the fogs with high or low beam, or just parking lights.  My parents own a
>1989 Audi 80, and their fogs shut off if you switch to high beam.  I suspect
>this was a revision in 1989 and later.  You might be able to just order a
>1988 or early fog relay and get the same result as a jumper (albeit more
>expensive I'm sure).
Who knows... but if they discover it during the annual test, your car's failed.
Besides- the point of fog lights is to act as supplementary illumination,
not primary.

If you use them for primary illumination, they're poser lights. They're
also worse than DOT headlights.

YMMV etc...
