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Re: FORSALE***1995 Audi 90 Quattro***

	@1500 list members = 570mb across the net and 
	thru the server hosting this list.

On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Phil Payne wrote:

]In message <19990116170259.21315.rocketmail@send203.yahoomail.com> Brian Zalner writes:
]> I've decided to put my baby up forsale.  Looking very seriously at a new A6.
]> e-mail: brianzalner@yahoo.com
]> work:   410-256-1717
]> Home:   410-877-3785
]Another fathead who thinks it's smart to post 38 kilobytes of binary
]data to a global newsgroup.
] Phil Payne
] Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
] (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)

 rocky mullin
 two strokes are faster than four!
 this message was composed using the vi editor.
 '83 ur-q - yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 -  chaotic good