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Re: Prob: high beam stays on?
Do you have Euro's with relay's? If so, you may have a relay that is
sticking. BTDT x2.
> From: DoctrJay19@aol.com
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Prob: high beam stays on?
> Date: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 12:52 AM
> Good day and hello,
> I turn on my head light tonight and everything was great. But then my
> beams came on (with my fog lights). I check the left signal and it was
on the
> LOW beam position. So this surprised me a bit. I started to "jiggle"
> left turn signal around and it went back to low beams again. A few
> later it did it again, but this time the jiggle didn't help. It stayed
> highs the whole time. I also noticed that when I turn on the turn
signals it
> came back on to low beams again. But when it is back in normal position,
> with the high beams. I pulled apart the plastic piece covering the back
> the steering wheel (sorry...I'm a newbie-so talking like a newbie) and
all the
> wires were secure and in place. So I am left with this question. What
> going on?!?! Has ghost taken over my car? Has aliens from another
> abducted my car and left me with their loaner car? Questions race though
> mind!!
> Any suggestions would be great. And in case my car was abducted by
> please tell them to get me a S4 instead of a FWD 200 =)
> Jason
> my Audi 200t 10v FWD (or is it?)
> Redmond WA