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Re: intersections/rights of way/ no Audi content
As a nearly 40 year holder of a CA drivers license, I'm somewhat
familiar with the traffic laws here. I believe the actual intent of the
previously cited CA law regarding occupying an intersection while the
light is red is to prevent drivers from entering an intersection when it
is clear that they will not or cannot clear that intersection when the
light changes. For example, if there is a tie-up farther along the road
and you pull into the intersection behind other cars that have not the
remotest chance of getting through on this or any immediately
foreseeable change of the light, effectively blocking the clear flow of
cross traffic. This not only pertains to turning traffic, but to through
traffic as well. Cross traffic must not be significantly detained
because of your action. If you pull out to make a left turn, and it is
obvious that the jerks in the opposite lanes who have been stopped for
the last three changes aren't going to be moving any time soon, you're
in violation, as are they. If you pull out, and have to wait until the
light goes yellow or red to turn, but you know you're going to be able
to do so, you're ok. I think this law was introduced because of the lack
of common sense evidenced by the average "me first, and if I'm not going
anywhere, you're not either" kind of drivers flooding our roads today.
Anybody see Dennis Miller's thing on the German word referring to our
enjoyment of other people's misfortunes last night? He'd love this
Lunchtime's over, gotta go.