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Re: Increasing turbo boost/performance on '88 5kcstq
In a message dated 1/19/99 3:26:07 PM Pacific Standard Time,
justin@nullsoft.com writes:
<< Hey guys. I've recently decided to not let my old audi go to shit
(everything was breaking on it and I didn't really have the cash
to fix it after awhile), so I was wondering.. Are there any relatively
simple/easy mods I can do to increase the turbo boost (I hear everybody
talking about upping them to 1.8 bar).. I'd really like to try it :)
If you could reply to me via direct email as well I'd appreciate it, as
I'll have to search through the digests that get filtered out (I don't have
time to
read them all, heh).
OK..........here we goooooooooo....
There is some mods that you can do that it.
-Try getting a K&N filter and replace it with the crappy filter that you have
-Get better spark plug(and wires if you want - some 8mm') I heard Boash came
out with something like the 'splitfires' but they came in 4 ways. Heard alot
of great stuff about that(pricey thought)
Forget about modding your turbo. The only thing that I would do to get a bit
more from your turbo(I DON'T recommend this) is to put a washer or 2 in your
wastegate. This way the spring will get a bit stiffer and the car will hold
the boost a bit longer. But then you might be faced with the problem of the
infamous 'gas cut' problem. Once your boost surpasses 1.6 bar, the computer
detects that you have over boost and stops you at 1.7 bar. (which hurt
because your pushed back down to 1.0 bar to 1.4 bar. Which bites a big one.
Thats all I can think about that doesn't cost 100+. I heard about a ECU swap,
but don't know much about that one. Any comments??
Jason C
Audi 200t 10v - and looking for a 200tq20v(anyone want to sell theres to me?)
Redmond WA