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Hard starting diesel motor (non-Audi)
Sorry, this is not for an Audi motor, but for a Mercedes
300D W123 from 1979. The only connection to Audi is that
I will be needing this Merc sometime when I pull my
Audi off the road.
I might have asked this question way back, I can't
I recharged the battery in the Merc last week and got the
thing running. It has been standing for 3-4 months now
with a half-tank of diesel in it. It took a few turns to
get going and actually takes somes skill to get it all
started. The starting can take 30 seconds or more when
cold. I thought it was just the diesel that has been
standing around for so long in the tank or perhaps a
week starter or battery. I spoke to my brother who has
more knowledge about this having cleaned it up before.
He says it's the glow plugs and the motor that has
been "coked" up with gunk. A few hundred for new
plugs apparently. Says it is a bitch to get the coking
off. (??)
Is this true? What is this "coking"? Apparently it takes
some beating getting the gummy deposits from diesel
to go away.
The car runs fine once it is going, it is just the
starting that is getting worse.
I was wondering if anyone knows of additives I can hunt
down to perhaps clean up the diesel and whatever
deposits that have decided to bugger with the motor?
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