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RE: New S4
On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Kevin D. Caldwell wrote:
> I was just wondering, where is this issue of EC? I have checked at Barnes
> and Noble and found the latest issue, the Feb 99 issue, and can find no
> article about the S4. Please help.
> Kevin D. Caldwell
> merlin
I got my new issue of EC about a week ago. On the front cover is a VW and
one of the headlines is about VW tuning. The S4 article is a report on
driving a modified S4 (400 hp estimated) at speed up to 180.
Dont have my copy handy. Guess it is March & not Feb.
Bill Murin
89 100q
- References:
- RE: New S4
- From: "Kevin D. Caldwell" <merlin@ameritech.net>