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Re: V6 Oil Filter numbers

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Murphy <mmurphy@nais.com>
To: Craig D. Niederst <niederst@telerama.com>
Cc: Quattro List <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: V6 Oil Filter numbers

The V6 is for sure OC154...I know, I use em, and so does my shop :)

>"Craig D. Niederst" wrote:
>> I ordered 6 Mahle oil filters from Imparts a few months back for my '92
>> I got the Audi P/N from TPC's webpage (034 115 561A), which according to
>> them is for the '91 200 20v, '92-'94 100 (AAH), '92-'94 S4, and the '95+
>> The filters that were sent to me were Mahle OC47
>Don't worry yet.  While you have the wrong filter - TPC sold you an I5
>filter and Andrew's AFC info is a Mann PN for Diesel applications as per
>Mann filter catalogs - I don't think it's that badly off spec - I hope.
>As builder of a filters database that will hopefully be part of the new
>website, I can provide the following for V6 AAH oil filters.
>MFG        PN
>Audi       034 115 561A.
>BoschAG    0 451 103 225 (by way of Mann xref-don't have BoschAG
>BoschUSA   72163
>Mann       W719/25
>Mahle      OC154 (by way of Mann xref - I don't have Mahle catalog)
>The OC47 filter is called for in I5 engines.  Reason I say it should NOT
>be a problem is the only difference is the height of the filters.  The
>OC47 is <1/2" shorter than the OC154 filter (if Mahle specs match
>Bosch)- all other specs are the same.  In point of fact, Mann W719/25
>and W719/5 specs are exactly the same in their catalog (don't know yet
>if that's a typo).
>Technically, TPC sold you an I5 filter.  They may do that to keep
>PN/inventory down - or they made a mistake.  Although one could
>argue that you get less volume of oil filtration with the smaller
>filter, who knows if, like Mann, the Mahle filter is the same size for
>both applications.  If you're concerned, call TPC or fwd this post and
>ask for an explanation.
>BTW, confusion with AAH filters is nothing - you ought see the AFC
>filter info - bypass opening pressures and antidrain specs are way off
>between Mann and Bosch.  No data from Bosch AG and Mahle and errors/
>omissions in the catalogs I do have are a big reason why I can't finish
>this damn filters project.
>MJ Murphy