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East Coast Calendars are here!

Sorry for wasted bandwidth if your NOT on east coast, but I didn't have everybodies
e-mail :-(

Send me e-mail or give me a buzz and I'll meet people at lunch today :-)

Mike L.

P.S. If you going near chelmsford, your welcome to stop by the office...
     I'm at the corner of Rte.3 and Rte 129
    _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/     _/      Mike LaRosa
   _/      _/    _/  _/_/   _/       TSE - HAS
  _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/  _/ _/        2 Omni Way
     _/  _/    _/  _/   _/_/         Chelmsford, MA 01824
_/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/     _/          			 				     		 
E N T E R P R I S E		     Phone:	978/442-1250
  S E R V I C E S		     Fax:       978/442-1418
				     Email:	mlarosa@east.sun.com