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RE: Rich URQ

It is mounted right on the Control Pressure Regulator (AKA Warm-up
Regulator) itself.  I personally would not expect this to cause a running
rich problem when the engine is fully warmed up as the CPR is mounted to the
engine block and will reach the proper temperature eventually.  The heater
simply causes the bimetalic strip in the CPR to be heated more quickly,
allowing the mixture to lean out as the engine begins to warm up.  Phil's
second point is right on ... it is amazing how much that simple fuel
pressure gauge/valve tell you on those systems!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
Yes, my QTC has a WX, but I've got a bit of MC-I experience from the 5kCSQA
... :-)

> ----------
> where would I find the heater plug?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Payne <quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk>
> To: DRoxburgh@email.msn.com <DRoxburgh@email.msn.com>
> Date: 24 January 1999 10:36
> Subject: Re: Rich URQ
> >In message <000301be46f1$448ce6a0$994595c1@default> "DRoxburgh" writes:
> >
> >> Any ideas please?
> >>
> >> My Ur seems to be running rich. The evidence being black coating on the
> tail
> >> pipes. There is no smoky exhaust, oil consumption is non existent.
> Plugs
> 1 &
> >> 2 were black on inspection - I didn't fight to get the others out..
> When
> >> the engine is hot the revs drop very slowly from about 2000 down to one
> >> segment when the clutch is depressed. Other wise all is going well, but
> I
> am
> >> used to nice grey pipes. I have done alot of short runs in UK cold
> weather
> >> recently, but today even after an hours hard run the tail pipes were
> still
> >> dark.
> >
> >DANGER - trick question.  Darryl's car is an MB - for US listers, that's
> >an MC-1 engine without smog.
> >
> >Probably his control pressure regulator has failed.  It might just be
> >that the heater plug has fallen off.  But until we get Mr Bosch's gauge
> >on it, we won't know for sure.
> >
> >--
> > Phil Payne
> > Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
> > (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)