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RE: RS2 Injectors
opps, sorry about that, full post below......
following are relevant part numbers from bosch for the rs2. all parts
quoted are for "after market" where applicable.
not to forget the fuel pump when all is said and done. the rs2 uses a 993
pump. if you're interested, i can look up the audi p/n.
'95 rs2
'90 ur-q
Trigger box, ignition 0 227 100 209 H
Knock sensor (blue) 0 261 231 036 H
Knock sensor (green) 0 261 231 038 H
Spark plug, Super (F 5 DP 0 R)* 0 241 245 641
Control unit, Jetronic / Motronic (M 2.3.2):
Chassis: to 8C-R-001 000 (07.94) 0 261 203 478
Chassis: from 8C-S-001 001 (08.94) 0 261 203 543
Air-mass sensor, Jetronic 0 280 213 017
Idle-speed governor 0 280 140 512 H
Lambda sensor 0 258 003 994
Fuel-injection valve, gasoline 0 280 150 984
Cutoff valve 0 280 142 108 H