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RE: RS2 Injectors

At 11:54 AM 1/29/99 +1300, Dave E. wrote:
>Trigger box, ignition	0 227 100 209 H
>Knock sensor (blue)	0 261 231 036 H
>Knock sensor (green)	0 261 231 038 H
>Spark plug, Super (F 5 DP 0 R)*	0 241 245 641
>Control unit, Jetronic / Motronic (M 2.3.2):
>          Chassis: to 8C-R-001 000 (07.94)	0 261 203 478
>          Chassis: from 8C-S-001 001 (08.94)	0 261 203 543
>Air-mass sensor, Jetronic	0 280 213 017
>Idle-speed governor	0 280 140 512 H
>Lambda sensor	0 258 003 994
>Fuel-injection valve, gasoline	0 280 150 984
>Cutoff valve	0 280 142 108 H

Gee - I wonder what this stuff would cost me...
********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
                EMCM(SW) - soon to retire... Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 249K miles - under rehab... 
    qcusa #3442           Oviedo, Florida     plate: STLTHTQ