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Re: 1991 TQW: Audi parts sticker shock

> Question to any of you that have owned both 5000 Wagons and the 
> 100/200 versions.  Is the cover the same?  I'm thinking about 
> trying to get one from a salvage yard and replacing the vinyl,
> if necessary.  Or come up with a home-made solution. Last resort
> would be a blanket...
> Ideas? Comments? Experiences?

I've got an '87 5kqw and a '90 200qw.  The cargo covers are exactly 
the same.  While $400 is ridiculous, I'd say that it's the spring 
loaded rods that are the unique component.  I swapped some of them to 
put the straightest ones into the 200.

BTW, the 5kqw is for sale. See 
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rickh/fs_5ktqw.htm for 
pictures and details.


Rick Hunt                                 Ph:  (919)851-1101
SBS Embedded Computers                    Fax: (919)851-2844
6301 Chapel Hill Road                     email: rhunt@sbs-ec.com
Raleigh, NC 27607

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