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RE: 5000 tq Wheel Alignments

In message <C1C50FF63D04D1119BBD0000F804A83F01758793@emss02m04.ems.lmco.com> "Southerlin, Russell S" writes:

> Our cars sound very similar.  I was trying to find out if the standard
> alignment specs. have tolerances that are so wide that you can get a car
> that drives very differently just by being at one end or the other of the
> spec.  Sometimes my car drives strait as an arrow, usually when the road
> surface is very flat then other times on a crowned road it has that
> twitchiness.

Absolutely. In Audi's documentation it quite clearly states:

   "Die angegebene Werte sind so genau wie moeglich anzustreben."

   "The values given must be achieved as closely as possible."

Reading Audi's words on the subject of alignment in the original German,
there can be no doubt whatever that alignment 'within tolerance' is not
acceptable.  I've experienced several cars, the latest only two weeks
ago, that have been released by independent shops as 'within tolerance'.

And this is quite apart from problems caused, e.g., by the microfiche
talking of 55' vs the real 5'.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)