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Flaming AoA

Hi all,

I just rejoined the list after an absence during which time I sometimes
monitored it from the archives.

AoA has been dysfunctional from day one.  I was tempted to include a letter
I wrote to Richard Mugg when he became CEO of AoA in 1988;  however, reason
got the better of me, for it was long although it didn't contain some of my
worst problems that happened after I wrote the letter.  If anyone would like
a copy, email me privately, and I'll send a copy.

I have a 1981 5KT which I bought new upon returning to the US after having
been in Hong Kong for about 5 years.  My wife hated it, and I got it when we
divorced 7 years ago.

The situation was simply explained by Pogo:  We've found the enemy and it's
us.  We're masochists as a group;  upon rereading the letter referred to
above, I can't belive I put up with the crap I described in it.  And, more
unbelievable, I go on doing it.  It's one thing to be dumb and another to be
stubborn, but combining the two is  a killer.  I think I go on with mine
because I want to prove I can do it, but I'm reaching the end of the line;
it's harder and harder to get replacement parts.  And, more importantly, to
find a wrench that can and will work on it.

As a computer guru I monitor many lists, and the Quattro list is
administered better than any I know of.  The people are cohesive and
generally helpful, and there are some very knowledgeable contributors.

Why don't we form an organization that can have some impact on AoA?  Why
don't we tighten up our ties with, or found our own, source of parts?

Any thoughts?


Jim Jordan