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Re: Quattro III vs. IV

i don't quite think so...  the current setup has a Torsen center diff, which
doesn't lock or unlock, but dynamically distributes torque (Torsen = TORque
SENsing).  then the front and rear axles are controlled via the ABS, using the
brakes to slow down the slipping wheel, so they have open diffs - no real
locking - and Audi calls this EDL (Electronic Differential Lock)...  you are
right, there are definitely no switches anymore though.

my understanding: the last cars before this (late 100/200/80/90, early A6) had
open diff in front, Torsen centers, and auto locking rears.  then before that
(earlier 100/200/80/90) you had open diff in front, Torsen center, manually
locking rear, and before that (5k/4k/urq) open front, manual locking center
and rear.

of course, ready for corrections to the above - JC

> >Hi,
> I believe all 3 differentials are lockable, and controlled electronically,
> ie. no switch to press anymore.  That's how it is in my 99
> LateR!