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RE: 5kcstq Speakers

At 02:03 PM 2/10/99 -0800, you wrote:
 However, properly amped (+15 amps per channel), the
>stock door and dash speakers don't actually sound that bad.

Does that mean if I applied -15 amps per channel it would REALLY suck?
Actually, I think if I applied 15 watts it would work better. @ 15 amps I
don't think the voice coils would give a hoot about sound...
********************************AUDI FAN*********************************
                EMCM(SW) - soon to retire... Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 249K miles - fer sale, durned good price
89 200q 179K miles - coming...
    qcusa #3442           Oviedo, Florida     plate: STLTHTQ