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RE: Stalling 5000cstq

Gary said(nice name);

> My 86 5kcstq runs fine 99.9% of the time (believe it or not). 
Your stretching your credibility with that one   :-)

> Driving home on the freeway in these conditions at sane speeds - 25-35mph,
> 2nd-3rd gear - car is running fine. Suddenly, hesitation, lack of power,
> stalls. Car starts fine, depress accelerator, car misses and has barely
> enough power to stumble forward in first gear. So I stop, let car sit for
> 10 minutes, starts fine, and continue on my way. Get to a gas station,
> fill the tank (was half full before)  and put in some gas line
> anti-freeze. 
I may be the fuel pump relay.  Take it apart and re-solder as many pins on
the board as you can.  I'd try this first.  I have had the same symptoms as
you describe and fixing the fuel pump relay (you can purchase a new one for
less than $30) solved the problem.  However, I live in Los Angeles, and
rarely experience weather extremes, so have no btdt on potential cold
weather problems.

Gary Lewis 
88 5kcstq 1.8 bar 110km Pearl w/Fuchs, K24 turbo, 2-piece EM
86 5kcstqw Sapphire and Platinum, stock 
TransGlobal Financial  (818) 384-7600
Mergers, Acquisitions, Public Offerings