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Re: It's my alternator, right?


> As my battery charges, I ask you all, could it be something else?  The
> battery and cables are new and clean.  There is no warning light or
> anything on the dash.  The wires to the alternator look good.  The belt is
> reasonably tight.

It's almost certainly your alternator.  I've had this happen a couple 
times before, and each time it was due to lack of charging, either 
from a bad alternator or missing belt; either way the symptoms are 
just as you describe.  (I once had a Jeep that threw three alternator 
belts in three days.)

> Can this thing be reliably tested while in the car (preferably for free
> and in an instant)?

Testing can be done, but requires removal.  (Sorry!)  Just about any 
reasonably well-equipped auto parts store can do it.

Sorry about all your electrical troubles!  They do seem to come in 
bunches, don't they?
