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Re: short...EKTA...more?

Hi Dave 

If all the circuits for that fuse are out you need to stay at the box.  You
say you have a diagram so check that power is coming to the fuse.  The circuit
is a "30" in wiring lingo, red in color and hot as long as the battery is
connected, regardless of key position.  Judging by my schematic for 89 200q
the power should leave the fuse under the panel from 
brown connector letter F and spot F30al.  You can access this by pressing in
the two plastic clips at either long end of the fuse panel and pulling up
GENTLY with a rocking motion.  Most of the wires are clipped in pretty well so
just don't pull too hard or to far and you'll be fine.  Under the fuse panel
you will see all the colored group connectors.  The power for your fuse comes
from the "L30" connector area under fuse panel.  You should have multiple RED
spade conectors.
Again by 89 200q I make one 2.5 gauge RED wire(large dia.) and two 4.0
gauge(larger dia).  The two larger ones should be wired direct too
battery(unfused) so they should be hot as long as battery is hooked up.  Then
if you have an ohmmeter check for continuity of the fuse block itself from the
L30 spade to the #4 fuse hot side.  Should be no resistance.  I have seen
these brass spades on my cars before and they seem to be a circuit added after
the fuse blocks were already made.  They seemed factory installed and O.K. to
me.  As far as wet, if everything is green corrosion or there's white fuzz
growing on your connectors then you've got trouble.  Otherwise it should be
O.K.  Once I had the lid off and a huge section of wet snow slid down the hood
and right into the open fusebox.  I just scooped out what I could and then
later when I got a chance I blew it out with compressed air and sprayed WD40
in there and blew it out some more.  That was almost two years ago and no
problems.  I don't think you should get ANY water in there, but because of its
location I think some will get in.  I believe your problem is in getting that
"30" circuit power(red) to your fuse and back out on the L30al wires.  They
are two red with black coding stripes on my car.  I think if you check this
carefully you will find your problem.

Best of luck and hope this helps

Jim Accordino
p.s.-sorry I can't send you that schematic(still having TWAIN software