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Re: Disrupter beam

In a message dated 2/19/99 3:01:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,
rmyers@inetone.net writes:

> Shades of George Orwell's 1984.  Big brother actually *will* be watching.
>  Aha, the car was at position "X" at such and such a time and now it is at
>  position "Y" at this time.  Hmmmm.  That requires an average speed zz above
>  the speed limit.  Send a letter.
>  Next day your letter arrives:  "Surprise!  You are the winner on an
>  invitation to spend a few weeks at our new resort - cell block 13."
>  No thanks.
>  At 08:43 AM 2/19/99 -0800, you wrote:
>  >I must say, with the proliferation of wireless and cellular communications
>  >systems, and the already proven ONSTAR system that allows GM to unlock
>  >car via. satellite and such, it won't be long before they include an
>  >ignition kill command into the onboard computer.  Could be especially
>  >in high speed chases with stolen cars.  Someone steals your car, you call 
> GM
>  >on your cell phone, GM kills the ignition system and you look for the
>  >traffic jam to find your stalled stolen car :)
>  >As for accident potential - a perp in a DeVille doing 90mph through a
>  >residential district isn't real keen either!  Have the system apply 50%
>  >brake pressure ala the electronic ABS, then kill the ignition.
>  >
>  >Needless to say, I won't be driving a Cadillac, but if GM gets the ball
>  >rolling...  I'd pay extra for an option like that on my new S4 ;)

I'm paranoid enough about the "traffic surveillance cameras" already. I don't
want the government in any form having ANY power over my personal possessions.
First it's just GPS so I know where I am, then it's interactive, then it's
automated hiways-

Paranoid rant is now in the OFF mode.

Mike Torio